Find whether a given integer is a power of 3: Power of three
Okay, as promised, 1 last problem before diving into the time & space complexity part.
Power of Three
This problem, also, is a straightforward one. We'll be given an integer n, which can be positive as well as negative as well.
Our target is to check whether the given integer is a power of 3 or not. E.g., 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, etc. are powers of 3, whereas 6, 10, 15, 30, etc. are not.
Iterative way
Of course,e there isn't just a single way of doing it, there could be other ways as well, but I'll share the one that comes to my mind naturally.
If a number n is a power of 3, then n can be written as 3x, right? (where x is an integer)
That means, if we divide n by 3, we'll end up getting 3x-1, and then if we divide again, then 3x-2, and so on, and finally we'll reach 30 i.e. 1.
So, the crux is that keep dividing the given value n with 3, until is divisible by 3. If the eventual value that you get is equal to 1, then the answer is a bit fat YES, otherwise NO.
Implementation (iterative)
bool isPowerOfThree(int n) {
if(n == 0)
return false;
while(n%3 == 0)
n /= 3;
return (n == 1);
Time & Space Complexity
Time: O(Log3N)
Space: O(1)
Recursive Way
The recursive way is neat & pretty. The general idea behind it is that if the given number n is not a multiple of 3, then we can confidently say that it's not a power of 3, but if it is divisible by 3, we're not sure.
In this case, we'll simply make a recursive call to check whether n/3 is a power of 3 or not. if yes, we'll return true, else false.
1 thing left for you to think about is the base case(s), do give it a thought before diving into the implementation.
Implementation (recursive)
bool isPowerOfThree(int n) {
return false;
if(n == 1)
return true;
return (n%3) ? false : isPowerOfThree(n/3);
Time & Space Complexity
Time: O(Log3N)
Space: O(Log3N)
The exact details, will explain in the next few articles, stay tuned.
I think these problems are enough for the basics. Let's quickly cover the time & space complexity in the coming articles and more to Sorting & Searching.
Related Problems (Power of Three)
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- Getting a hang of Recursion
- Introduction to Recursion - Understand Recursion by ExamplesUsing
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- Fast Exponentiation Algorithm: Efficient Power Calculation Method
- Recursion: Time & Space Complexity Analysis - 1
- Recursion: Time & Space Complexity Analysis - 2
- Time Complexity Analysis Using Recurrence Relations