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Building Blocks in JS

Other loops in Javascript

In the world of programming, loops are like the recurring events in our lives—whether it’s your daily cup of chai or the annual Diwali cleaning day. Just as these events repeat themselves in different forms, loops in JavaScript allow you to repeat actions in your code. Today, we’re diving deep into, for...of, and nested loops in JavaScript. We’ll explore how these loops work and how you can use them effectively by drawing parallels with our day-to-day activities. Iterating over object properties

Let’s start with the loop. Imagine you’re managing an Indian wedding, and you’ve got a list of all the tasks that need to be completed, from sending invitations to arranging the catering. Each task has a person responsible for it, much like how each property in a JavaScript object has a key-value pair. The loop is your go-to tool for iterating over these properties.

Understanding the Loop Syntax

The loop is used to iterate over the properties of an object. Here’s the syntax:

for (key in object) {
  // Code to execute

In this loop:

  • key represents the property name (or key) of the object.
  • object is the object whose properties you want to iterate over.

Example of a Basic Loop

Let’s bring this to life with our Indian wedding example. Suppose you have an object that lists the key tasks of the wedding, along with the family members responsible for each:

let weddingTasks = {
  invitations: "Uncle",
  decorations: "Cousin",
  catering: "Father",
  photography: "Brother",
  music: "Friend"

for (let task in weddingTasks) {
  console.log(`${task}: Handled by ${weddingTasks[task]}`);

Note: I know we haven't learned about Objects in detail yet, but hey - you just created your first object above, let's learn more about objects in the Objects section

In this example, the loop iterates over each task in the weddingTasks object and prints out who is responsible for it.

Managing Wedding Tasks

Now, let’s expand on this example. Imagine you’re the head of the family, and you need to ensure that each task is progressing smoothly. You decide to check in on each family member responsible for a task:

let weddingTasks = {
  invitations: "Uncle",
  decorations: "Cousin",
  catering: "Father",
  photography: "Brother",
  music: "Friend"

for (let task in weddingTasks) {
  console.log(`Checking on ${weddingTasks[task]} for the ${task} task.`);
  // Assume each task is progressing well
  console.log(`${task} is on track!`);

Here, the loop allows you to iterate over each task, ensuring that everything is proceeding as planned for the big day.

for...of: Iterating over Iterable objects

While the loop is great for iterating over object properties, the for...of loop is your go-to when dealing with iterable objects like arrays, strings, or maps. Imagine you’ve got a list of items to be included in the wedding feast, and you want to iterate through this list to confirm everything is ordered.


for (element of iterable) {
  // Code to execute

In this loop:

  • element represents the current element of the iterable.
  • iterable is the object you want to iterate over (like an array).

Example of a basic for...of Loop

Let’s stick with our wedding example. Suppose you have an array of items that need to be included in the wedding feast:

let feastItems = ["Paneer Butter Masala", "Biryani", "Naan",
                  "Gulab Jamun", "Lassi"];

for (let item of feastItems) {
  console.log(`Ordering ${item} for the wedding feast.`);

In the above example, the for...of loop iterates over each item in the feastItems array, ensuring everything is ordered for the wedding feast.

Double-Checking the Feast List

To ensure that no item is missed, you decide to double-check the list by iterating over it again, perhaps even appending a "Checked" next to each item:

let feastItems = ["Paneer Butter Masala", "Biryani", "Naan", "Gulab Jamun", "Lassi"];

for (let item of feastItems) {
  console.log(`Rechecking: ${item} - Checked`);

Here, the for...of loop is perfect for iterating over each item in the list, confirming that every dish will make it to the wedding table.

Nested Loops

Now that we’ve covered the basics of and for...of, let’s dive into nested loops—loops within loops. Imagine the Indian wedding scenario again.

You’re not only organizing the wedding tasks but also managing multiple sub-tasks for each main task. Nested loops come in handy when dealing with such complex, multi-layered tasks.

Let’s say that each main task of the wedding has several sub-tasks. For example, the decorations task might involve choosing a theme, selecting flowers, and setting up the venue. Here’s how you could represent this scenario using nested loops:

let weddingTasks = {
  invitations: ["Design invites", "Print invites", "Send invites"],
  decorations: ["Choose theme", "Select flowers", "Set up venue"],
  catering: ["Select menu", "Hire caterer", "Arrange tasting"],
  photography: ["Hire photographer", "Choose photo spots"],
  music: ["Select playlist", "Book DJ"]

for (let task in weddingTasks) {
  console.log(`Main Task: ${task}`);
  for (let subTask of weddingTasks[task]) {
    console.log(`  Sub-task: ${subTask}`);

In the above example:

  • The outer loop iterates over each main task.
  • The inner for...of loop iterates over the sub-tasks for each main task.

Imagine it’s the night before the wedding, and you’re doing a final check of all the tasks and sub-tasks. You want to ensure that nothing has been overlooked:

let weddingTasks = {
  invitations: ["Design invites", "Print invites", "Send invites"],
  decorations: ["Choose theme", "Select flowers", "Set up venue"],
  catering: ["Select menu", "Hire caterer", "Arrange tasting"],
  photography: ["Hire photographer", "Choose photo spots"],
  music: ["Select playlist", "Book DJ"]

for (let task in weddingTasks) {
  console.log(`Final check on: ${task}`);
  for (let subTask of weddingTasks[task]) {
    console.log(`  Sub-task done: ${subTask} - checked`);

Here, the nested loops allow you to systematically go through each task and sub-task, ensuring everything is in place for the big day.

Comparing and for...of: When to use which?

You might wonder when to use and when to use for...of. The answer lies in understanding the type of data you’re working with.

  • Use when you need to iterate over the properties of an object. It’s perfect for scenarios where you want to work with the keys of an object, such as listing all the wedding tasks and who’s responsible for them.
  • Use for...of when you need to iterate over the values of an iterable object, like an array or a string. It’s ideal for scenarios where you’re dealing with lists or collections, such as ordering items for a wedding feast.

Let’s say you have a list of wedding guests, and you want to print out their names along with their seating arrangements. You could use for...of to iterate over the guest names and to iterate over the seating arrangements:

let guests = ["Ramesh", "Suresh", "Meena", "Pooja", "Ajay"];
let seatingArrangement = {
  Ramesh: "Table 1",
  Suresh: "Table 1",
  Meena: "Table 2",
  Pooja: "Table 2",
  Ajay: "Table 3"

console.log("Guest List:");
for (let guest of guests) {
  console.log(`Guest: ${guest}`);

console.log("\nSeating Arrangement:");
for (let guest in seatingArrangement) {
  console.log(`${guest} is seated at ${seatingArrangement[guest]}`);

In this example:

  • for...of is used to iterate over the list of guests.
  • is used to iterate over the seating arrangements.

Loops are the backbone of programming, just like rituals and traditions are the backbone of an Indian wedding. Whether you’re iterating over wedding tasks, guest lists, or feast items, understanding, for...of, and nested loops will make your JavaScript code more efficient and organized.

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