Accenture OA-24 2024
Problem Description
You are given a program to find the count of magical numbers from 1 to N. A magical number is defined by the following criteria:
- Convert to Binary: Convert each number in the range 1 to N (inclusive) to its binary representation.
- Replace Digits: Replace '0' with '1' and '1' with '2' in the binary string.
- Calculate Sum: Calculate the sum of the digits in the modified binary string.
- Check for Odd Sum: If the resultant number is odd, then it is considered a magical number.
Your task is to find and return an integer value representing the count of the magical numbers present within the given range.
Input Format:
- input1: An integer value N representing the range of numbers.
Output Format:
Return an integer value representing the count of magical numbers present within the range.
- 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^9
Sample Input:
input1: 2
Sample Output:
For 1: Binary representation is 1, after replacing becomes 2, the sum is odd.
- For 2: Binary representation is 10, after replacing becomes 21, the sum is odd.
So, both 1 and 2 are magical numbers.