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Google OA 2023 - Maximise Collection

Given N toys in a shop, each with a price represented by an array A. You have a certain amount of money, C, that you can use to buy toys. There are also K toys that are broken and you don't want to buy them

For each Q query, find the maximum number of toys you can buy with the amount you have while avoiding broken toys.


  • Use 1-based indexing.
  • Query definition:
    • The first element represents an integer C, where C =Query[i][0].
    • The second element represents an integer K, where K = Query[i][1].
  • The next K integers represent the indices of broken toys which are Query[i][j] for all j> 1.
  • Treat each query independently.

Function description

Complete the solve function. This function takes the following 4 parameters and returns an array of an answer to the query

  • N. Represents the size of array A
  • A: Represents the array of costs of each toy
  • Q: Represents the number of queries
  • Query: Represents the query array

Input format for custom testing

Note: Use this input format if you are testing against custom input or writing code in a language where we don't provide boilerplate code.

The first line contains T, which represents the number of test cases.

For each test case:

  • The first line contains a single integer N representing the size of the array 
  • The second line contains N space-separated integers representing the cost of toys.
  • The third line contains an integer
  • The next Q lines contain the query array, where Q represents the number of queries.

Output format

For each test case, print Q space-separated integers representing the maximum number of toys you can purchase in a new line.

Sample Input
7 3 6 8 2 1 4 9 5 10
10 3 3 5
Sample Output
3 5 5 10

1<=A[i] <=10^6
1<=Query[i][j] <=N for every j>1