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Cisco OA 2023 - Plan Your Chess Moves

Mandy's elder brother Rob is a chess prodigy. Mandy challenges Rob to a chess problem on a standard 8x8 board:

  • A knight is placed at the coordinates X.
  • There are M pawns placed at coordinates Y[i] (i = 1 to M).

Task: Determine the minimum number of moves the knight needs to kill all M pawns. A knight moves in an "L" shape: 2 horizontal and 1 vertical or 2 vertical and 1 horizontal.

Input Format:

  • The first line contains the number of pawns, M.
  • Next M lines contain the coordinates of the pawns.
  • The next line contains the coordinates of the knight.

Output Format:

  • Output the minimum number of moves required to kill all the pawns.
  • If it's impossible to kill all pawns, the output -1.

The maximum value of M can be 8

Sample Input:

1 2
2 4
0 0

Sample Output: 2

Sample Explanation: There are 2 pawns, P1 at (1,2) and P2 at (2,4). The knight starts at (0,0). The best strategy is:

  • Move to capture P1 in the first move.
  • Move to capture P2 in the second move.

Total moves: 2.