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Cisco OA 2022 - B-Restricted Strings

Alice and her friends are participating in a CISCO hackathon where they are tasked with a programming problem involving strings. The challenge is to generate strings of length N using the characters 'A' and 'B', with the restriction that two consecutive 'B's are not allowed.


  1. Alice's team can generate any number of strings that satisfy the above condition.
  2. All valid strings must be sorted in lexicographical order.
  3. Given a specific index M, the team must output the string that appears at that index in the sorted list of valid strings.

Input Format

  • The first line contains an integer T — the number of test cases.
  • For each test case, there are two integers N and M:
    • N — the length of the strings.
    • M — the 1-based index of the desired string.


  • 1≤T≤10
  • 1≤N≤100
  • 1≤M≤10^9

Output Format

For each test case, output the string at the M-th index if it exists; otherwise, output "Not Possible".

Example Input

2 3
2 4

Example Output

Not Possible


  • For N=2, the valid strings are 'AA', 'AB', and 'BA'. The 3rd string is 'BA'.
  • For N=2, there are only 3 valid strings, so asking for the 4th string results in "Not Possible".